Encounter with my crush

The other day , on a fine , chilly, winter morning, during recess, I was hanging out with my group of favourite bastards in the school lawn. We were having fun insulting each other and staring at pretty girls . The cold morning kept us rubbing our palms together for frictional heat and the sound of shivering teeth added life to the cold when the freezing breeze slapped us hard on the surroundings.

It was then I realised all the warmth in my body oozing out , when my eyes rested on the most beautiful human creation of dear Lord. My crush was out in the lawn under the sun. Her presence made all things bright and beautiful around me. The cold was gone, my teeth stopped playing piano and the rubbing hands were calm. The whole universe felt warm and serene. The freezing breeze no more mattered and my eyes completely synchronised to her motion.

She was along with two of her friends increasing the warmth of the surrounding and adding beauty to the universe under the sun. Few moments ago , it was cold and harsh , now it was warm and peaceful. I saw her talking to her friends and probably smiling. I lost control over my cheek muscles and they formed a smiley on my face. My body re-energized , mind out blown, I had been into another world through the wormhole of happiness. Her smiling face looked so beautiful that the angels and fairies would die of jealousy. It made me visualise rays of photons coming from behind her, showering flowers from the heaven and a romantic music playing in dolby surround sound.

I couldn’t resist myself and started off towards her. Something told me that it was the right moment to go have a chat with her. At least a ‘HI!’ would do.  I needed to speak to her with anything. With fear in my heart and nervousness at it’s zenith, somewhere was a tincture of hope and confidence that helped me calm my trembling legs down. She saw me coming and looked at me with questioning eyes. Her friends too noticed me coming and started smiling as they knew of my secret crush for her.

I finally managed to reach a meter distance from her. My heart filled with excitement, beating faster than ever like a running carburettor. My body heated up with fear. Adrenaline was functioning much efficiently producing fright hormones at a faster rate and faced difficulties in breathing. She kept staring at me with confusion waiting for me to speak out something which was obvious as for my behaviour. I gathered all the confidence from around every corner of my heart to finally get out of this awkwardness and say something. With all bravery I looked into her eyes only to witness the immense depth of them which was so fascinating that my confidence dived in for the search of most valuable secrets of my universe hidden inside. With the drowning confidence my tongue slipped and the vocal chord vibrated a ‘HI!’ with my right hand up my palm facing her with fingers half curled waving at her. I saw a smile. A smile on her face which had lost its confused and questioning look . With that beautiful smile she replied with most caring and utmost kind voice ‘Hie!’ . My brain burst into happiness, the heart rejoiced and the body was on fire. I couldn’t resist the joy and excitement. I started jumping with joy then and there shouting ‘yes’ for I had won the most difficult battle of my life till now and felt like a king of the universe.

One moment I was rejoiced and celebrating suddenly I felt a tight slap on my flying left cheek.
I was back to reality among those bastards. I had stamped on a leg of one of them and punched on one of their faces in the process of celebration with jumping. I was back to my senses only to realise I was fantasizing again and nothing ever happened. She was enjoying with her friends at a distance about 100 m from me . I sat down quietly with my pumpkin face hanging with embarrassment. My buddies looked at me fooling and burst out into laughter making fun of me again whom I joined the very next moment laughing at my foolishness. The school bell rang to announce that the recess was over and we retreated back towards our classrooms.


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