Freedom- For self

Befriended with the milestones
The road knows where I have gone
Through villages, into the towns
Faded love and hatred grown.

I long not to suffer the worst
The past of mine is weathered crust
Beholding in eyes so few
No memories, I capture the views.

Of the happiness world has to spread
With greenery on Earthy bread
I travel now into the place
That balances on happy thread.

No more looking back in stress
No more caring what people say
Now I set off on journey to bring
Freedom for self from every ways.

Liberty is what I seek
Of thought and expressions I pick
No judgment stopping me proceed
Find honor to be called a freak.  

Don’t try to bind me with the chain of yours
Of narrow thoughts and rules so gross
I’m meant to walk and run and crawl
To fly high above the clouds.
​                                                                ~RV


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