Close your eyes.
What do you see?
It ain’t nothing,
It’s everything
You want to see.
The Universe you want to be.
To live in with
The one you seek,
The way you think.
Keep it close.
What do you see?
The color black
All of in it.
Absorbed by it
To let you draw
And help you grow
The seed of your imagination
Helping you build your own nation.
The world you see
With open eyes
The world of war and demise
The world of hatred and all lies
The world of people in disguise,
Doesn’t exist
Until you let it hold your wrist
Until you catch hold in your fist
Pain the illusion to black
Where every negative thought does lack
The energy, to break you down
The prodigy, you are no clown.
Now close your eyes
And build your world.
The universe, with greenery
Heart warming sights, the sceneries.
Where you could live and wanted to
No harm to your heart, one could do.

The world no more any lies
The world without people in disguise
The world where the sun does forever rise
The world where innovation never dies
The world where all your happiness lies
The world where nobody cries
Paint your eyelids from inside
Into the place where you reside
While not awake but wanted to
With best of your imaginative hue
Open your eyes.
What do you see?
The world is as you thought it to be
It’s as beautiful as your dream
No more a nightmarish grim.
You build the world where you live in
Just make sure it welcomes you in
Not to kill you and make you fit
With what you see doesn’t even exist
It is the way we see the world
That makes us either happy or sad
Paint your eyelids with what you want to see
And forever happy you will be.
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