
Showing posts from June, 2019

The Great White Mouse

Image Hey folks! It’s me again, Dog. Hope you are all doing well. Today I wanted to share something with you all. Something that everyone of must know. Something that every one of us should start believing in! Do you remember my friend ‘Bird’?  Remember I called him crazy when I spoke to you last? Maybe, I was wrong. Maybe he isn’t as crazy as we believe him to be. Yesterday something happened. Something bad, very bad! It made me think for long. Well, I cannot think for as long as hoomans, but within a short duration I have realized something real. I don’t think the Hoomans are as intelligent as we thought them to be. Yesterday my Hooman took me to the park. Park is good. It is beautiful. It has trees. In fact, it is the only place in our world that has some trees. I feel fresh there. I was playing with my Hooman in the park. Meow was also there. She was chasing some poor mouse that lived under the park bench. I was playing ‘fetch’ wit

The Big Water

Hi! I am Dog. My Hooman calls me that. I live in a house with my hooman. Our house is in very beautiful world. It has a park, flat roads for cars to walk and a lot of houses. Our world is full of too many hoomans. My hooman is good, he gives me food. He plays with me and makes me sleep. I have many friends. Meow lives next door to mime with her hooman. She is a cat. She likes balls with threads.  Moo is my big cow friend. She and her sister live together with their hooman. They have their own house. Their hooman doesn’t sleep with them. Maybe because they are big! Bird is my crazy friend. He can fly. He tells weird stuffs. He claims to have seen very big water. Bigger than our world! I have tried to convince him that there is nothing big than our world. He doesn’t listen. So he is crazy. He thinks because he can fly, we should believe anything he says us. This image belongs to the rightful owner. Once he told us that he has seen a lot of hoomans around this big water. They w

टेंशन न लो, सब सही होगा।

सन 2016, मार्च का महीना था। बारहवीं के बोर्ड्स शुरू हो गए थे। उस दिन पहला पेपर था। हम सब लोग परीक्षा केंद्र के बाहर 9 बजने का इंतज़ार कर रहे थे। कुछ लोग एक आखिरी बार किताबें टटोल रहे थे,( जैसे कि उन चंद मिनटों में पूरा पाठ्यक्रम चाट जाएंगे) और कुछ उसी खुशनुमा अंदाज़ में (कि अरे जो होगा देख लेंगे) मार्च के महीने की सुबह वाली धूप का मज़ा लेते हुए अपने साथियों से बातें कर रहे थे। इन्हीं सब के बीच मैं भी शामिल था। लेकिन मेरी कुछ और ही बात थी। मैं इन सबसे परे कुछ और तलाशे हुए था। मेरी नज़रें उस एक चेहरे को ढूंढ रही थी जिनको मैंने अपना गुड़ लक मान लिया था। अब भई गुड लक वाले चेहरे के दर्शन किए बिना परीक्षा कैसे दे सकते थे। थोड़ी मुश्किल और शिद्दत वाली कोशिश के बाद मुझे वह चेहरा अंततः दिख गया। वह चेहरा जो मुझे ये आश्वासन दे सकता था कि हाँ अब सब कुछ ठीक है। वह खड़ी थी कुछ दूरी पर, अपनी सहेलियों से अलग, एकदम अकेली, हाथों में अपनी किताब लिए। मैंने देखा उसके चेहरे की ओर। उस मासूम चेहरे पर परेशानी छाई हुई थी। एक पेड़ के नीचे कभी किताब को देखती तो कभी किताब से नज़रें उठा कर मन ही मन कुछ बड़बड़ाती। इसी प्र