The Great White Mouse

Hey folks! It’s me again, Dog. Hope you are all doing well. Today I wanted to share something with you all. Something that everyone of must know. Something that every one of us should start believing in!
Do you remember my friend ‘Bird’?  Remember I called him crazy when I spoke to you last? Maybe, I was wrong. Maybe he isn’t as crazy as we believe him to be.

Yesterday something happened. Something bad, very bad! It made me think for long. Well, I cannot think for as long as hoomans, but within a short duration I have realized something real. I don’t think the Hoomans are as intelligent as we thought them to be.
Yesterday my Hooman took me to the park. Park is good. It is beautiful. It has trees. In fact, it is the only place in our world that has some trees. I feel fresh there. I was playing with my Hooman in the park. Meow was also there. She was chasing some poor mouse that lived under the park bench. I was playing ‘fetch’ with my favorite ball and my Hooman threw it a little far into the bushes. I ran towards the ball. I couldn’t find it. I thought I lost it. I went further into the bushes. The opposite side of the bushes opened to a clear ground where Hoomans stored their “stuffs” that they didn’t want to keep in their homes. I saw something very strange there. There was a very big white mouse lying next to my ball. I had never seen a mouse so big, white and fury, in my whole life. He was big, really big. I went closer to him and sniffed him to make sure he was alive. He twitched. I moved back a little. I heard him groaning in pain. His face looked like he had been starving for very long. I saw his body was cut from a lot of places and he was badly hurt. I felt bad for him. I called out for Meow and other animals who were present nearby with a bark of emergency.

In no time all of them gathered around the big mouse. Bird also came flying. He looked at the mouse and was shocked. He told us that this big mouse was a ‘Polar Bear’. He had heard it from his  flying friends whom he claims to belong to other worlds. He told us that his friends say these Polar Bears live in land of ice. Their world is very cold and there is ice all around. But what was this one doing here? We have no ice spread around! Bird told us that they like fish, and as he looked very hungry, he flew to bring him some fish and water.

While he was gone, we tried to wake this bear up, but he was too tired and weak to get on his feet. His skin was very thick and furry. His face looked dried due to lack of eating. Everyone around was amazed and was wondering what had happened to this poor guy and why did he come so far from home. Bird came flying with some of his other bird friends. They had stolen some fish from Meow’s Hooman’s home and had brought some water for him. We gave him some water to drink and the fish to eat. He drank water and ate the fish with very difficulty. After a while, he tried to stand up, but his legs were very weak. He sat there and looked frightened to see so many of us gathered around him. I told him not to get scared, we are friends and asked him how he was feeling to which he replied he felt very sick and was too weak to go anywhere.
“Where have you come from?”

“My ‘ome is ve-ry far a…way from ‘ere, below the North.”

“Where is this north thing?”

“It is up in the sky. The stars ‘ell me w’ere it is and I follow ‘em?”

“But how did you come here?  My friend Bird told us that your home is between a lot of ice and very cold.”

I saw him get sad and a tear drop rolling down over his sunken cheek. With a heavy voice he continued, “I don’t ‘ave a home anymore. My home………..has been melted down. I lost my wife….. and my son. They drowned in the middle of a night when the glacier we lived upon melted and fell down into the large cold sea. Many of us lost their family in the mishap. Many of my friends and my brothers died.”

Speaking these words his eyes began to burst into tears. His pain was visible through his eyes. It was so intense that most of the animals gathered around began to cry listening to his sad story.

He then continued, “I came opposite to the north floating on a small piece of ice. Our main food source is the fish we find in the cold seas and the glacial streams. But the number of fish in the seas is decreasing. Most of us are dying due to starvation. I came so far only to find food for survival. While in the journey I lost my way and ended up here in the no-ice region. The climate here is not fit for my survival and I am too weak to return to a more suitable place. I was looking for some food in this garbage and have survived until now by eating whatever I could find here.”

“But how did an area with such big ice got melted? And what happened to the fish I the ocean?”

“It is because of the Humans”

“What do you mean?”

I was shocked! He told us that the Hoomans have destroyed his home and killed his family. I did not want to believe him. And then he said something that changed the way I used to believe Hoomans performed.

He said, “Because of the rising temperature the glaciers are melting, and the humans are to be blamed for this. A lot of human activities have contributed to this global rise in temperature. Under the disguise of development these humans are heading towards their own end. Along with them some unfortunate species like us have been being the victims of this crisis. The fishes are dying due to the temperature difference and lack of nutrition in the seas. The ones that survive, the humans catch all of them leaving almost nothing for us to eat. Previously there were great glaciers which were our homes. Now there are only few. The melting of the glaciers has increased the sea level which has become fatal for the survival of a lot of underwater species. A huge amount of ice gets melted into seas every day. We have no place to survive. There are only a few of us left.”
Speaking these words the bear fell down to the ground again in pain. He had no more strength to utter another word. He groaned in pain for some time and then lied there lifeless.

I was totally dumbstruck about what I used to think about Hoomans. The dying bear had just told something that was unimaginable. No doubt he was very wise and knew a lot of things. How can Hoomans with such intelligence cause such harm to anyone? How can they destroy such big ice by sitting here in their homes? These creatures having the capacity to generate life out of nothing are actually the reason for someone’s death? I could not believe my ears. My world had been turned upside down.

All the animals around had tears in their eyes. I’m sure his story was something for them to learn. I wish if only the Hoomans could hear his pleas and learn something!


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