
Showing posts from August, 2023


 निकल पड़ा हूँ एक सफर पर लंबी सूनी एक डगर पर हौसले के झोले में ज्ञान का भंडार भर कर आसान नहीँ यह रास्ता है मुश्किलों से वास्ता तोड़ने हैं आती मुझको जाने किसने दे दिया बेचैनियों को मेरा पता हाँ, भय है मुझे हार जाने का भय है मुझे समझ न आने का भय है हज़ारों कि भीड़ में मुझे कहीँ गुम हो जाने का दूर क्षितिज पर मंज़िल है नज़र न आता साहिल है अनिश्चितता के बीच फॅसा थोड़ा डरा, थोड़ा सहमा मेरा दिल है परंतु ×3 डर-डर ,डर-डर, मर-मर, मर-मर ऐसे भी कोई जीना क्या तूफानों में कश्ती ले आये अब खून है क्या! पसीना क्या! विकल्प नहीँ दूजा कोई न जीत सिवा मंज़िल कोई अब हंसने को तैयार है जो किस्मत थी मेरी रोई नींदों को मैं पी गया थकना रुकना भूल गया घर, त्योहार से रिश्ता नाता थोड़े समय के लिए टूट गया हर पहर को मैं गिनवाऊंगा कष्टों से जूझ मैं जाऊंगा मेरी बारी आगयी अब विजय पताका लहराउंगा फिर सबको मैं बतलाऊंगा दुनिया को मैं दिखलाऊंगा लहरें चाहे हों बड़ी नईया पार तो मैं कर जाऊंगा

Fight with your brain

 What do you do when you get into a fight with your brain? When it goes in a loop. A loop of what you are observing and analysing or maybe you are overthinking or maybe that's the truth and you are just trying to repress your emotions not to feel it. You feel like you are in denial of your feelings and the next moment you begin thinking rationally about it which might get irrational and in no time you are overthinking again.  You can't decide whether to think about it or just let it go. Because, thinking about it feels like overthinking and letting go of it feels like denying the emotions. How do we know how much thinking is overthinking?  What do you do when you are confused with your consciousness? What if the dots you are joining are the wrong dots? How do you know when to stop? How to stop? And what if you feel that to stop thinking about it ,is trying to run away from it? What if your thoughts are betraying you? What if your thoughts are true but you don't want to acc


 कलकत्ता मुझे तुम्हारी याद दिलाती है। अब कैसे कहूँ कलकत्ते से की तुम अब मेरे साथ नहीँ। मैंने गंगा किनारे Princep घाट पर तुम्हे पाया। तुम्हे हर उस प्रेमिका में पाया जो अपने प्रेमी के बाहों में लिपटी हुई थी। उसके काँधे पर सर रख कर, पूरे संसार का दुख भुला चुकी थी। खुदको दुनिया के सबसे सुरक्षित बाहों में होने का एहसास तुम्ही ने तो बताया था मुझे। कलकत्ते को कैसे बताऊं की मेरी बाहें अब तुम्हारे स्पर्श मात्र को तरसती हैँ?  मैं कलकत्ता की सड़कों से मिला। भारी आवाजाही के बावजूद भी न जाने इतनी सूनी क्यों थीं! तुम्हे मेरे साथ न देख कर कलकत्ते को भी तुम्हारी याद आगयी। उसको भी तुम्हारा मेरी बाहों को जकड़ कर मुझे निहारते हुए चलते देखना अच्छा लगता है।  इतनी रात होने पर भी कलकत्ता अभी सोई नहीँ है। पूछने पर कहती है तुम्हारे बिना अब मन नहीँ लगता। तुम्हे बाहों में भर कर, तुम्हारे माथे पर हल्के से चूम कर और फिर तुम्हारे मासूम से चेहरे को सोता हुआ देख जैसे मैं चैन की नींद सो लेता था, अब कलकत्ते को भी वो नींद नसीब नहीँ। चिंता न करो, मैंने कलकत्ते से कह दिया है कि निराश न हो, तुम लौट कर जल्द ही आओगी। मेरे लिए

The voice in my head

 There's this voice in my head that screams of agony. It screams for help, it screams for love. It scratches the inside of my skull making a screeching sound. The sound of a chalk being dragged in the opposite direction on the blackboard. It makes my ears ring. It rings like the bell on a medieval clock tower. Loud enough to reach the ears of each individual in a small town. Yet only I can hear it.  It makes my vision blurred. It makes my heart pound faster, my legs tremble, my body perspire. Yet on the outside I appear calm as a moonlit night.  Sometimes the voice is gone. It is still and there is only silence. The voice of this silence is vexing. It makes me uncomfortable. I start looking for the voice in my head. I keep searching for it outside. In people who can hurt me. The people in whom I had once believed. In the stories of betrayal. In the incidents of disgust. In the moments of disappointment. In the actions of mistrust.  I keep looking for it everywhere I can, but in vai


  They say holi is about friendship. On this day we forget our enemies, hug them, embrace our friends and appreciate the vibrance they bring out on rather dull canvas called life. On this day the monotonous life takes a pause. We live! The shades of greyscale are undermined by the palette of joy. The colors we play with on our bodies do not get off after a bath, figuratively as well as literally. They get imprinted on our souls and make us cry with "Best Holi ever!" They say holi is about forgiving and forgetting. Forgiving mere humans whose default is to make mistakes, to sin. Forgetting the wounds caused by them that are now insignificant and blurred. It's about trying to recall and retain only those actions of them that is their skeleton of character; the one that you connected with in the first place; the one that makes them deserving to be given another chance. It's about trying to be more kind. It's about trying to be more considerate, and more empathetic to


  When people love someone, they invest a part of their emotional and mental energy into it. People who love beyond physical pleasures, beyond worldly desires, tend to love unconditionally. Not falling in love with just a temporary beautiful face or body, but with them. The actual them, the way they talk, the way they smile, the way they make them feel around them, they can fall in love even only with the fact that they exist. And that feels enough. The love is pure. It's like a mother's love for their child, like a devotee's love for the supreme. They accept them for who they are, the way they are, ignoring all their flaws, because loves makes them realize, each one of us is flawed in our own ways. They accept them as a part of themselves. They feel like home. A goto person when the world gets difficult. They develop a bond that connects the souls. And when this bond breaks, it feels like the soul recoiled and they are falling down into the void of pain. They feel like th