
Showing posts from November, 2017

Encounter with my crush

The other day , on a fine , chilly, winter morning, during recess, I was hanging out with my group of favourite bastards in the school lawn. We were having fun insulting each other and staring at pretty girls . The cold morning kept us rubbing our palms together for frictional heat and the sound of shivering teeth added life to the cold when the freezing breeze slapped us hard on the surroundings. It was then I realised all the warmth in my body oozing out , when my eyes rested on the most beautiful human creation of dear Lord. My crush was out in the lawn under the sun. Her presence made all things bright and beautiful around me. The cold was gone, my teeth stopped playing piano and the rubbing hands were calm. The whole universe felt warm and serene. The freezing breeze no more mattered and my eyes completely synchronised to her motion. She was along with two of her friends increasing the warmth of the surrounding and adding beauty to the universe under the sun. Few moments

Wet Awake

It was a pleasant afternoon during my vacation. The weather was good with the clear sky and a cool wind blowing. I was lying on my bed literally doing nothing and occasionally staring at my phone. My younger brother insisted to go out for a ride. It didn’t take much longer for us to decide where to go. My home town being situated amidst the whole of nature always has some place to offer wonderful. Few kilometres away from home was a river, we decided to visit for a swim.  We started off on my bike covering our faces with kerchiefs to block out the dust from the road side (ya, this is also included in the “whole of nature” mentioned earlier) and the pollution. We nevertheless enjoyed the wind and the greenery, the sight of passing by trees on both sides of the road is always a treat for the eyes. The wind splashing on our body and the roaring engine added thrill to the journey. Time passes faster when we start enjoying something. And thus in no time we arrived at our desti

The Nightmare of a Spy

They had found out. The truth, truth who I was. A spy. It was over. I saw my end coming. Anything I could do was to wait, wait for my death. A small mistake that was about to end my life. "Tie him up", commanded their boss. I was tied by my hands and legs and one of them pushed me on my knees. The pain of fear had dominated over physical pain. I couldn't feel my knees bumping on the ground hard. He pointed a gun on my forehead. The boss, was just eager to kill the only proof of his illegality. A streak of fear ran down my spine. My whole body shivered. I felt my hands and legs trembling. He pulled the gun to load a bullet. That sound was all that was audible. Everything around got numb and calm. The water dripping down the ceiling of their base, the wind brushing against my face, it was all precisely felt. My brain could concentrate and focus on each activity going around me. Their laughter in the background in slow motion and the eagerness of the boss to kill,

The Moon

The dusk was near the world in fear For the light was gone leaving dark the sphere. The sun fell down in his red calm gawn Like a danger button for the verbs (work) and nouns (people). From the other side you rose like a poem or a prose Filling the heart with hopes with blue shining dose. All heads up high thanking moon in the sky For there will be peace as the time goes by. Now the verbs won't stop neither people haunt And the fear of darkness was forever lost. When the fortnight arrived and the darkness vibed The new moon day won't stop people drive For the hope was here  away from fear  The blinded sky with tiny stars felt dear.                                                       ~RV

बाल दिवस

हर गली में देखना ,होगा ज़रूर वो चेहरा जिसके परछाई का रंग होगा औरो से ज्यादा ही गहरा अनपढ़ अधनंगा घूमता वो कूड़ा कबाड़ा चुनता वो भर सके बस पेट अपना इस उम्मीद में घूमता वो साथ मे छोटी सी बहना चेहरे पर जिसके कुछ निशान कैसे करेगा परवरिश  है इसी सोच से परेशान किसी स्टेशन के सीढ़ियों पर मंदिर के गली या दरगाह से गुजरते हुए कइयों से मदद मांगता हाथ फैलाते हुए कुछ लोग डालते हाथ मे उसके चंद पैसे कुछ मुंह फेरते, मनहूसियत देखा हो जैसे। न कोई अपेक्षा न ही कोई सपना लिए बस जी सके दुनिया मे अपनी  साथ कोई अपना लिए हर सुबह उम्मीद से वो निकलता झोला लेकर कंधे पर छोटी सी दुनिया अपनी उस बहना को लेकर कि है अगर भगवान या अल्लाह, तो आज वो दिन आएगा न मांगना पड़े किसीसे ऐसा दिन दिखलायेगा वो जा सके स्कूलों में देख सके कोई वो सपना लड़ रहा है जंग अकेला  साथ दे कोई तो अपना। उस चेहरे को देख कर खयाल ज़रूर तो आता है बंट जाती है सोच अपनी समझ नहीं फिर आता है कर सकते है मदद ज़रूर पर रोकती है ये समस्या है समूह इनका जो करता अपनी ये दुर्दशा कर सकते हो ज़